A memorandum dated April 2, 2015 from Thomas Galassi, Directorate of Enforcement Programs, reminded Regional Administrators that the National Emphasis Program (NEP) on Nursing and Residential Care Facilities, was expiring, effective April 5, 2015.   (The NEP had focused on specific hazards such as ergonomics, bloodborne pathogens, tuberculosis, workplace violence, and slips, trips, and falls in covered nursing and residential care facilities.) The memorandum notes however that all programmed inspections on existing lists will be completed and any unprogrammed inspections which meet NEP criteria shall proceed following NEP guidelines.

Despite the expiration of the NEP, the Agency signals its intent to issue updated guidance that instructs OSHA offices to allocate resources to focus on inpatient healthcare facilities (e.g., hospitals and nursing and residential care facilities) where the occupational illness and injury rates are higher than the BLS average for these industries.   The memo can be read in full here.