The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has announced that it is extending its review period for OSHA’s proposed crystalline silica rule. The proposal was received by OMB on February 14, 2011. This extension follows the recent pattern of OMB taking longer than the standard 90 days to review OSHA rules under Executive Order 12866. Notably, last
Office of Management and Budget
OSHA Releases Fall Regulatory Agenda
By Bradford T. Hammock on
Posted in OSHA Rulemaking
On December 20, 2010, OSHA released its fall regulatory agenda, which sets forth the Agency’s current rulemaking priorities. Over the last several months OSHA has been emphasizing the need to push forward on several regulatory inititatives. OSHA rulemaking, however, can be painstakingly slow, and OSHA’s fall regulatory agenda reflects that.
Of particular note, the issuance of…