Today, OSHA announced that it is issuing the final rule on Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution.  The final rule will appear in the Federal Register on April 11, 2014.  The rule will become effective 90 days after it appears in the Federal Register. 

The final rule for general industry and construction include, among other things, new or revised provisions on host employers and contractors, training, job briefings, fall protection, insulation and working position of employees working on or near live parts, minimum approach distances, protection from electric arcs, deenergizing transmission and distribution lines and equipment, protective grounding, operating mechanical equipment near overhead power lines, and working in manholes and vaults.

The final rule also revises the general industry and construction standards for electrical protective equipment and also includes new requirements for the safe use and care of electrical protective equipment to complement the equipment design provisions.

A copy of the final rule is posted on OSHA’s website.