The latest issue of our weekly Workplace Safety and Health newsletter is available for viewing and contains the following articles:
MSHA Rebuffed in Application of Flagrant Violation Tool. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Administrative Law Judge Alan Paez has rejected MSHA’s attempt to use prior citations and orders alleging “significant and substantial” violations (S&S) and unwarrantable failures to support a flagrant violation against Kentucky mine operator, Blue Diamond Coal Co.
OSHA Issues Guidance on Recordkeeping Duties for Temporary Workers. OSHA has issued a bulletin under its Temporary Worker Initiative to instruct staffing agencies and companies that hire temporary workers on their recordkeeping responsibilities. The agency’s Temporary Worker Initiative combines enforcement, outreach and training. It was launched because temporary workers were suffering serious or fatal injuries, many during their first days on the job. The bulletin is the first in a series of guidance documents intended to raise awareness about OSHA compliance requirements regarding temporary workers.
Ask a Jackson Lewis Attorney Q: We operate a 24/7 business. One of our employees has worked one weekend each month for the past two years due to her job requirements. Now, she has advised us that she can no longer work on Saturdays because she has become more religious, and Saturday is her Sabbath. Can she change her availability in this way? Do we have to excuse her from weekend work?
Click here to download the newsletter and read the full articles.
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